“a land ethic changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain
member and citizen of it” (Leopold 60)
We always think of ethics
as applying only to other humans. This statement implies an ethic towards the
land. I agree with this quote because it implies that we respect the earth and
its creatures as our equals. I feel that this is a powerful statement because
it suggests that we make an effort to preserve and protect our planet. When I
think about this, it just makes sense. The earth gives us so much, and many of
us, including myself, take it for granted.
“nearly a century of propaganda,
conservation still proceeds at a snail’s pace.” (Leopold 62)
My Target Reuseable Bag! Photo By Christina Sabella |
are constantly trying to become more “environmentally friendly” or “green”. We
continuously see advertisements promoting recycling, saving fuel, etc… For this
reason, I disagree with Leopold and feel that conservation is moving at more of
a brisk walk than a snails pace. Many companies are promoting “being green” in
creative ways and providing incentives to do so. Target for example will give
you 5 cents off your total purchase for each reusable bag you use instead of
plastic. H&M and Starbucks are in the loop too. You can recycle your old
clothes at H&M for a discount on new ones or bring a reusable mug to
Starbucks to save 10 cents and a cup from being placed in the trash. Although
these are only little things you can do, I believe it’s a step in the right
direction and companies are doing the right thing.
Find out more about the above on these websites:
“in our attempt to make conservation
easy, we have made it trivial.” (Leopold 65)
Many parents, teachers,
and governments are trying to make conserving the earth an easy
task, however Leopold believes that we have made it trivial, or of little
importance. I’d like to disagree, mostly because this article was written in
1949 & I feel a lot has changed. I believe that education is the first step
in creating a more sustainable future, and this class is a perfect example.
Thousands of students leave this university with the knowledge and experiences
to help better out planet and create a sustainable tomorrow. I also believe
that 65 years ago many people may not have been concerned with conservation
because there was, what seemed like, an abundant supply of goods. Now with more
technology, people can look into the future if conservation programs are not
put in place. For these reasons I believe that conservation efforts are not trivial,
but rather pertinent.
“One basic weakness in a conservation
system based wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land
community have no economic value.” (Leopold 65)
agree with this quote. I feel that our conversation system is highly based on
economics. Most big business owners believe that most things worth preserving
aren’t worth much value, so in turn, they are not protected. They also believe
in saving a few bucks. Often times a more sustainable production method or
using better resources is more expensive than earth damaging methods. It is
because of this that companies often opt for cheaper and more destructive methods.
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