Monday, July 14, 2014

Earth Charter

"The protection of Earth's vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust." (Earth Charter, Preamble, Earth Our Home)

Our Beautiful Home : SOURCE
Earth's biodiversity is what helps to support all different ecosystems and environments.  Our planet is full of rich environments, amazing animals, and perfect scenery. However it is also full of overpopulated countries, polluted water, and endangered species. Earth's vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust and is in our hands. As a population, we must chose to make a step in the right direction. We can make small conscious decisions which can lead to bigger change. All it takes is one spark to start a fire. 

"Transmit to future generations values, traditions, and institutions that support the long-term flourishing of Earth's human and ecological communities." (Earth Charter, Principles I 4b)

Children Learning in Nature : SOURCE
I felt drawn to this quote because I can easily make a connection to this class, the earth charter, and my major. University Colloquium transmits to it's students values and traditions which can support the long term flourishing of earth's human and ecological communities by giving them a sense of place in the environment. As a Secondary Education major I could instill these same values to my students which will help support future generations and sustain the environment. 

"Integrate into formal education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life." ( Earth Charter, Principles IV 14)

When I first read this quote I thought of the University Colloquium course goals, "The University Colloquium is an interdisciplinary environmental education course designed to explore the concept of sustainability as it relates to a variety of considerations and forces in the environment." University Colloquium instills the values of biophilia in its students. It brings students together from every field of study for the same reason: to demonstrate a practical understanding of sustainability, sense of place, and ecological literacy. I feel that the Colloquium course goals relate to the earth charter in many ways. They both show us that our planet and it's resources are a gift and it is our responsibility to take care of it and preserve it for future generations. I feel special to be a part of a university that gives its students the gift of lifelong knowledge and appreciation of the environment.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Goodall- Healing Earth's Scars & Why Save Endangered Species

Healing Earth's Scars

"Tropical and old-growth forests, woodlands and wetlands, prairies and grasslands, moorlands and deserts -- all landscapes -- are disappearing at a terrifying rate" (Goodall, Hudson, Maynard 161).

Natural Florida Landscape Source
Although all of these traits are not aspects of the natural Florida environment, I immediately thought of a Land Remembered. The MacIveys experienced life in many of these ecosystems including woodlands, wetlands, prairies, and grasslands. As Goodall (161) stated, " all landscapes -- are disappearing at a terrifying rate". Just as the MacIvey's relationship with the land changed, so is ours. The land is disappearing because we are exploiting it for commercial use. No one chooses to look into the future to see the long term effects of conservation or sustainability because people want instant gratification and money; in turn our planet suffers.

"My four reasons for hope, about which I have written and spoken extensively, are simple -- naive perhaps, but they work for me: our quite extraordinary intellect, the resilience of nature, the energy and commitment of informed young people who are empowered to act, and the indomitable human spirit"(Goodall, Hudson, Maynard 161).

Young Jane Goodall Source

I found this quote to be touching! Ive always admired Goodall for her primatology work, and reading this excerpt I was really inspired, which is exactly what she wanted to do. I feel like this Colloquium class fulfills the meaning of this statement, " Commitment of informed young people who are empowered to act". Before taking this class I was naive to the condition the environment is in . I did not know what effects my habits had on the environment, and more importantly I didn't care because I wasn't informed.  If you think about that on a large scale, I'm sure there's a lot of people like me in other universities, or even in their carers that are oblivious to the fact that our planet is dying. If more people become informed and empowered to act we can use talents and intelligence from various fields and studies, like Colloquium class, to change the world!


Why Save Endangered Species?

“If we allow extinctions to happen through ignorance or greed, then with the loss of each endangered species and unique population, our world becomes less diverse and strikingly less beautiful and mysterious”(Goodall, Hudson, Maynard 181).

Endangered Species Source
Saving an endangered species means protecting biodiversity. Saving these species from becoming extinct and protecting their natural habitats is vital for our health and the health of future generations. When I think of endangered species, I automatically think of animals, however this applies to so much more! Plants and animals are vital  to the health of our environment. As species are lost so is biodiversity. The impacts of biodiversity are huge. Imagine if mangroves were endangered and then later went extinct. In Florida, we would be more vulnerable to natural disasters. Many animals that depend on this tree would start to die out. Loss of biodiversity and extinction of plants and animals would also cause greater effects of global warming.